Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Get a little wild

I have rather fond memories of Where the Wild Things are. They are slightly vague, but watching this trailer... well it gives me that wonderful feeling of melancholy nostalgia that only memories sustaining out of feeling more than image, can provide.

Sorry, I don't know what happened there. But anyways, check it out. Looks pretty good.

End Transmission

Friday, March 27, 2009

This is probably my ultimate fantasy

Sooooo speaking of sexy (Mmmm, Malcolm Reynolds), here's what I dream about night and day, and everything inbetween ;)


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Mmm, Happy Birthday Mal

Today should be a national holiday, as it is Nathan Fillions birthday! Holla! In order to celebrate, I'd like to share with you all a picture of his glorious booty.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

This man makes all my dreams come true

I have loved Electrix Six for many years, it's pretty sweet to see them getting some coverage (particularily with hot, wet sumo wrestlers).

In light of this love, I just thought I let ya'll know to watch this video. It's expectedly wonderfully bizarre. But more importantly, it everything I've ever wanted in a man. I mean, the slicked hair, the skinny 'stache, the glowing peen. Haha, but seriously, I dig it.

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Pi Day (officially!)

Oh yes, it's official.

Today is National Pi Day

Well, official if you're in the states. Either way, I feel like this is a step forward. Now all we have to do is make it an official holiday as well.

A girl can dream, can't she?...

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Oh No She dih'iiiint!

Incase you haven't seen it, here's Tales of the Black Freighter.

I am completely overjoyed towards anything with Gerard Butler involved, and I'm definitely turning into a Zach Snyder junkie. It seems like this can't fail? But I find the trailer slightly vague- which might be for the best. I like a little surprise ;)

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Friday, March 6, 2009

They do exist!

First off, yes, Watchmen is absolutely fantastic. But you knew that already, right?

More on this later.

In the meantime, feast your eyes on this!

Hot Girls Playing Video games.

They do exist! And there are at least 15 of them out there. So next time you're on an MMo, or XBL, consider this. That dude who's kicking your ass might just be a chick... in her underwear. I know you love it.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My favorite video ever.

Seriously. This is my favorite video ever. Of all time. And I promise it'll be yours too.

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