Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sooo much win!

One of the many awesome images you'll fine at EpicWinFTW. Check it out.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Montana instead!

Ok, maybe I take it back. As great as boston would be, I can survive anywhere (with a little help from Max Brooks).

So intead, I think I'm going to move to Montana cause cops there freaking rock!

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Boston is now the safest city in the world

As part of my zombie plan, I'm now planning on moving to Boston.

Tweets from the Boston Polie Force.

Also, the Boston Police Force is on twitter? Wow

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

There's a soup kitchen in my pants

So I know these aren't that new or anything, but I had to throw this out there, Day Job Orchestra with Happy in Paraguay.

Now, It's funnier after you watch it a few times, I highly encourage you do so. At first it's kind of like its raping the humor center of your brain, but once you start to enjoy it, oh baby.

Right, well without further ado...


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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I don't know how they find these things...

Another great (albeit scary)article from cracked-

The 5 Creepiest Unsolved Crimes Nobody Can Explain

There's some weird shit that goes on out there, and cracked keeps us up to date on it all!

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