Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Hobbit trailer is out, and my mind is blown

see more After 12

^That is how I feel like celebrating right now. The first trailer for the first hobbit movie is out, and if I do say, in my expert opinion... It's incredible.

I am unbelievably happy that Peter Jackson ended up directing this movie, and this trailer is evidence why. I definitely feel that ultimately, middle earth needs to be in his hands. No one can bring it to life like he can.

This trailer brings me back to the original FotR trailer (speaking of which, happy 10th anniversary to that movie, as of yesterday). Every time I watched it (and like most in nerd culture, obsessive doesn't even begin to describe my love of it), I got a feeling that I can only describe as engrossing. Or tingly, and deeply confusing. Mostly just engrossing. This world and these characters I had been imagining were coming to life in a way even my vivid imagination couldn't fathom. It wasn't just a trailer, and it wasn't just a movie. It was an experience, that I was a part of. And seeing the trailer for The Hobbit: An unexpected journey makes me feel the exact same way.

Needless to say, I'm counting the days- hell, the minutes until it's release. And I'll definitely be at the midnight premiere. And I'll feel incredibly nostalgic for 10 years prior, and unbelievably happy that I'm experiencing that all over again.

Until next time, Namarie

End Transmission

Friday, August 5, 2011

Advice for attending a convention

I know a lot of this might go without saying, but it's easy to be overwhelmed with things to do/remember, so here's my advice for being prepared and getting the most out of it!

Disclaimer: I'm writing this with FanExpo Canada in mind, but it can be relevant for any convention.

-Do your shopping on the first and last day
The first day is best for those rare, special items that will probably sell out. If you see something you absolutely have to have, buy it immediately. It might be gone when you come back, and no one should have to face that kind of despair.

For the more common items you might be looking for, save those for the last day- infact, save a few hours at the end of sunday for snagging deals. Vendors will usually be offering discounts, sometimes you can haggle (Be classy, don't lowball). Because another feeling of despair that you should never experience is seeing that item you bought yesterday for 10$ cheaper today.

Other shopping notes: Unless you have somewhere to put them, save the big items to be bought and the end of the day, no one wants to be carrying around a giant stuffed Yoshi (the guy sitting behind you in a Q&A will definitely hate you for it). Also, and this is just my preference, try and spend a lot of time and money in the Artists Alley, I promise you won't regret it. These people make some really amazing, one-of-a-kind things that you'll hold on to for a long time.

-Bring cash
Lots and lots of cashey money. For several reasons. First of all, if you see something that you need to buy immediately, and the vendor only takes cash, in the time it takes you to run to an ATM, wait inline, get the cash and get let back into the vendor area, you might have lost your precious. Secondly, the ATM's there charge a robotic arm and a leg. Well, about 3$ but still, if you get money from their ATMs every day, that's 12$. That 12$ could have bought you something awesome. Thirdly, it will help you stick to a budget. It's so easy to over spend when you are literally surrounded by the acres of the most awesome stuff you have ever seen in your life. Spending 300$ on a life size Salacious Crumb might seem like a good idea at the time, but when you look at your wallet and realize that's all your money for an entire weekend, you might reconsider.

While on that subject, I suggest making a shopping list, come with an idea of what you want to go home with. Is there a specific comic or bust you might be looking for? Or do you just know that you want to expand your book or action figure collection? No matter how specific or vague your list is, it will still help to have one.

-Bring your own food
I've advocated it in the past, and I'll say it again, bring your own food. Even if you don't want to make whole meals to carry around, at least bring some snacks to tide you over and then go out and buy your meals at odd times. The food in the hall is poor quality, lacking variety and way overpriced. Even going outside of the convention center will still only give you fast food options. You'll save money and time if you bring your own. Try and grab some relatively healthy snacks too, you'll want to keep your energy up all day.

While your at it, bring a refillable water bottle, stay hydrated. You're going to be walking and sweating, avoid feeling sluggish or getting headaches by drinking tons of water.

-Talk to people
There is no better way to pass the time of standing in line than to strike up a conversation with your neighbors. You're all standing in line for the same thing, chances are you've got something in common to talk about. It's a great way to make friends too, because you're never going to be in a room with as many like minded people again (well, until next year at least).

-Come prepared with questions for the celebrity guests
I usually get tongue tied when meeting my idols, and I think that goes for a lot of other people as well. It's helpful to consider what you would like to ask or say to them (that also goes for considering how you want to get your picture taken, what you want them to sign, etc). Sometimes, they will also be working on new projects that you might not even realize, so it never hurts to come prepared. The celebs will probably appreciate it too. (Side note: No matter what you want to say, be respectful!)

-Decide your schedule in advance
I learned this lesson the hard way. I'm a pretty easy going person, I usually hate making plans, but when it comes to conventions, I become a bit of a planning Nazi. It's for a good reason. One year, I foolishly thought I could walk around without a plan, and realized too late that I had missed Brent Spiner's Q&A. The schedule is released in advance, go through and pick out your must-see's, and make sure you allow enough time for shopping, autographs, etc. I even go as far as to bring several highlighters and colour-code events in order or preference and urgency. Yeah, I was pretty damaged from that Brent Spiner thing.

-Have an emergency kit
An emergency kit is going to be different for everyone, so figure out what that means to you. Mine includes: Flip flops (I'm always cosplaying and that usually involves uncomfortable shoes, it's good to have a backup); needle, thread, super glue, make up, bobby pins, safety pins (again with cosplaying, wardrobe malfunctions happen, be prepared); reusable shopping bags (for all the swag and awesome purchases); some form of entertainment (a book, DS, deck of cards, whatever- just something to pass the time because you will have to wait around a lot); backup batteries/charger (my camera died last year, I literally took about 6 pictures the entire weekend); pen and paper (never know what you're going to need to remember); hand sanitizer (I don't even have to explain why); deoderant/perfume/cologne (There will be a lot of foul smelling people there, don't be one of them) and please please please don't forget your ticket, receipt and ID (just in case).

-Have fun
It's so easy to get stressed out or overwhelmed, just remember, you and everyone around you is here to have a good time. Enjoy it, take the good with the bad because there will be bad, but you'll be happy you were able to laugh it off and make the best of it.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

63 914

I just saw this vid on collegehumor, (skip to 6:55 to see the interview I'm talking about)

And I was captivated by Chuck and his petition to make button remapping standard. He (and every other gamer out there) deserves to be able to kick ass on their own terms. Sign the petition, I just did!

The website is and the link to the petition is on there.

I've got to say that like a lot of people watching this vid, didn't even consider that this was an issue. I have honestly never thought twice about button mapping. It wasn't even until Chuck pointed out that it used to be standard did it occur to me that I used to be able to do this all the time. Which is exactly why this petition is so relevant, it's something so simple and doable, that a lot of people might not realize it needs to be done. So one last time, go sign the petition.

End Transmission

PS Need to add that I totally admire Chuck Bittner not only as a person, but particularily as a gamer. I get frustrated enough at games as it is, and I don't face a struggle like he does. That's dedication and the kind of sheer (usually frustratingly stubborn) will power that only geeks possess. Respect.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Is Star Wars being illegitimitatizeding?

For starters, no illegitimitatizeding is not a made up word. Look it up.

Anyways, Just read this little bitty at FilmDrunk

And I hadn't considered it before, but it's kind of a good point. Is Star Wars no longer nerdy? It really is all over the place. Maybe, it's not what I originally thought, that nerdy things are becoming mainstream. Maybe they just aren't nerdy anymore. Is this what inception feels like?

Anyways, I know I have more thoughts on this somewhere... But they're hidden, and I'll find them when my brain reactivates. It would appear that my brain (and the rest of my body) is suffering from the black plague or something.

End Transmission

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I've always been partial to bikini's, but I want one. Demotivational win.

demotivational posters - DROID USING DROID
see more Very Demotivational

End Transmission

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Facebook status WIN

funny facebook fails - Scott Pilgrim: The L Word
see more Failbook

That's what I'm talking about.

End Transmission

Friday, March 25, 2011

World War z news turns into geek rant

So I just read this article at about the possible scrapping of the movie based on Max Brooks' amazing novel World War Z (which is, infact, on of my all time favorites). And well, the article left me thinking.

They bring up the point that it was going to be edited to receive a PG-13 rating, and as such, Max Brooks fanboys (myself included) should be pleased that it isn't getting made.

On this in particular, I definitely agree. I would rather have it not done at all than done wrong. This book is so insightful and in depth, to censor it would be to remove its integrity. At least in my humble opinion.

But this brought up my thoughts on this type of situation in general. We, as nerds, dorks, fanboys and fangirls seem to have a universal feeling that these things that we love belong to us in a sense. That book, comic, video game or what have you, that is ours. No one should be allowed to touch it without our approval. Is it unreasonable to feel that we have certain rights to the material we love oh so much?

My personal opinion on the subject stems from a quote that I retweeted recently. "Geeks dont just have interests, they have passions." And it couldn't be truer. It's not just something we like or take an interest in, these things we love are part of our lifestyle. And we have to sit back and watch time and time again as the things we have put so much time into and loved for years are taken and destroyed. Our favorite books, comic characters, everything get taken and altered for a more "wide-spread" audience, so to speak. And suddenly, everyone thinks they have the same passion and knowledge that we've put years into.

Let me quantify this using say, Xmen or Spiderman. Comics I have loved for years get taken and turned into terrible movies. Should I happen to bring up these characters in a generic conversation, someone will say "Oh yeah, Mary Jane was the one played by Kristen Dunst, right?" Well no, that's not what I'm speaking about her as. That's not the MJ I know. If I bring up Gambit, people don't seem to understand that there were characters who are not in the movies. And I find most people's lack of understanding incredibly frustrating.

We do get lucky from time to time, with movies like Lord of the Rings, Scott Pilgrim vs the World, or even Iron Man. Or shows such as The Walking Dead. And in all these instances, these shows or movies have been a commercial and critical success, and met almost universal geek approval. So staying true to your original inspiration and the established fan base equals success. There's a reasons it has that fan base. Because it's good already, it doesn't need to be drastically changed. And I do feel that the established fan base is owed a loyal interpretation. Honestly, we have the right to a quality video game movie adaptation for once.

On the other hand, we do make it difficult. Let's be honest, geeks can be the biggest, most pessimistic jerks you know. Nothing is ever good enough. If it's a great movie, we will still say the book was better. Even if it seems flawless, we will pick apart and find every little problem. We tend not to be the type to just sit back and be greatful for something. We discuss, argue, rewatch, rant about and dissect everything. In my personal defense, I do this because I love the original subject matter so much, I don't feel like it ever needs to be altered. Take the Uncharted movie for example. If the movie were a carbon copy of Among theives, I still wouldn't like it as much. Because the game was perfect. The game was so rich and cinematic that I don't think it ever needs to be a movie. Yes, I may be putting it up on a pedastal but the fact is I'm always going to be happier with the original. No movie could ever impress me as much as that game did.

So to sum it all up, I have to say... As a geek, no, I will never be satisfied with anything. But I challenge hollywood to try.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cosplay Time

Yep, it's that time of year again. I'm starting to figure out my costumes for my biggest convention of the year (and 3rd largest in North America, I believe), Fanexpo. I know it isn't until August, but that really is how long it takes me to go through this process... And I always leave too much to the last minute, so I try and get things started early.

So how do I go about making a costume? Well it starts with the selection process. I like being very thorough with my research, and just as thorough with my decision making process. I don't want to get halfway done my costume and realize I'm working on something that I'm not actually crazy about. Anyways, I have folders upon folders of reference pictures that I hunt through, along with some photo album viewing, movie watching, game playing, comic reading, etc. and I consider all my options. When selecting my 3 (this year it will be 4 due to the extra day FanExpo has added, which I'm incredibly happy about), I like to select a variety. I try and aim for one from gaming, one from comics, and one from sci fi. I like to represent all my loves.

So far, I'm about halfway through this part. I've got my options narrowed down. The big question is, do I redo costumes that I love, or try something new? So many tough choices.

From there, I do extensive research. Whatever is required. I find reference photos, seek out other costumers who have made it, find screen shots, pour through books. I figure out every little detail before I get started. I draw sketches, make step by step plans, lists of what I'm going to need. Nothing ever goes as I would hope, but it helps to have a plan.

And then, we go shopping. It takes a long time to get everything I need, it's hard to collect craft supplies, makeup, fabrics and such downtown, so it takes a lot of trips out of the city for me. And I try and make almost everything from scratch, so it's a lot to gather. I'm a little wary of ordering online, but I'm starting to warm to it. I mean, there is nothing you can't find online.

The building process is always long, I like to take my time. Which is why it's never fully complete by convention time, and I always have to take a few shortcuts. But not this year, this year I vow to have everything done according to schedule. And I'll try to keep updates on this blog to show my process. I've never documented the costuming process before (mostly because I really am no expert, I wing it most of the time) but I think I'm finally at that level. Wish my luck!

Coming soon: My costume choices for this year. Any suggestions?

End Transmission

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Thor: Girly or kick ass?

So I was in a rather strong debate today about the casting of Thor in Marvels newest (and hopefully awesome-est) installment. Is he a little too pretty to be playing the god of thunder, or does he look badass in the role? I'm on the fence until I see the whole movie, but I think based on the trailer, he looks pretty great in the role... Every now and then he bats an eyelash and seems just a little too gorgeous. A guess a girls gotta have some eye candy, right?

End Transmission

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My sexy shoes

Seriously, these are the best shoes I've ever owned.

Check it out.

They actually glow in the dark. Zombie shoe heaven.

End Transmission

Monday, February 28, 2011

I would never do any of these

Check out this funny articly, over at Dorkly.

We have all been guilty of at least one of these at one point or another. Except me, cause I would never...

Ok, maybe I have occasionally button mashed, but it was in the heat of the moment!...

And I might have camped, like once. Or twice.

Oh my gawd, I'm going to gamer hell. Maybe my redeeming factor will be that I've never looked at another players screen. That makes me feel like I'm not a totally horrible person. Lulz.

End Transmission

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 sounds futuristic...

Shouldn't we all have robot butlers and hover boards by now? (Quick question: Hoverboards, 1 word or two?)

Anyways, just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year... or at least a speedy hangover recovery. Drink lots of water and eat carbs.

I would also like to state that, in typical procrastinating me fashion, I intend on posting my favs of 2010 on here in the next day or two. Yep, it took me until 2011 to do it, but hey, at least it will be done. And if I'm feeling just lazy enough, it might be a vlog post. Wouldn't that be... boring? Or something. Anyways, tune in if you have nothing better to do. Or if you're running low on your daily dose of awesome, in which case, watch it a few times and soak up all my awesomeness. Jk... I'm not willing to share the awesome.

End Transmission