Sunday, June 19, 2011

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I just saw this vid on collegehumor, (skip to 6:55 to see the interview I'm talking about)

And I was captivated by Chuck and his petition to make button remapping standard. He (and every other gamer out there) deserves to be able to kick ass on their own terms. Sign the petition, I just did!

The website is and the link to the petition is on there.

I've got to say that like a lot of people watching this vid, didn't even consider that this was an issue. I have honestly never thought twice about button mapping. It wasn't even until Chuck pointed out that it used to be standard did it occur to me that I used to be able to do this all the time. Which is exactly why this petition is so relevant, it's something so simple and doable, that a lot of people might not realize it needs to be done. So one last time, go sign the petition.

End Transmission

PS Need to add that I totally admire Chuck Bittner not only as a person, but particularily as a gamer. I get frustrated enough at games as it is, and I don't face a struggle like he does. That's dedication and the kind of sheer (usually frustratingly stubborn) will power that only geeks possess. Respect.

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