Thursday, June 7, 2012

WiiU initial reactions

So I haven't sat down and thought this out thoroughly, just some quick word vomit.

First off, I've pretty much had it with novelty gaming. So I don't particularly care about motion sensors, or giant tablet controllers. It's a very gimmicky way to make and market games, which I guess is why it got so popular. Not that I'm condemning the existence of these novelty peripherals or games, just resenting that they've become so dominant in the gaming market. I'm completely content with my current console experience- not once have I turned on one of my devices and thought that it was outdated or tiresome, so I don't feel the need for a new generation of consoles. Not to say any of my previous feelings reflect on the WiiU specifically, but that they affect my overall judgement (or maybe I should say prejudice) towards it.

The Positives:

I'm a big fan of nostalgia, especially when it comes to classic Nintendo gaming, but there are some improvements I'm very happy to see. Improvements such as 1080p and pro controllers suggest that Nintendo is returning to its serious gamer roots. It will also be backwards compatible with Wii games (as well as peripheral compatibility), so as much money as I will be losing, I take solace knowing my current games will have some re-playability. So as much as I'm not ready for a new generation of consoles, in some ways, it does feel like Nintendo is catching up. The new Gamepad touchscreen controller looks fascinating and will be offering some fantastic, engaging features including being able to play games on the controller itself (very useful if you're sharing a tv). There will be more of our favorites, like Zelda and Mario, as well as games from third party developers such as Assassin's Creed and Arkham city.

The Negatives:

Nintendo is meant to be enjoyed with groups of friends. Smashbros anyone? So knowing only 2 gamepads per device are supported is a little disappointing, but at least there will be other controller options. Price will also be a huge factor, and Nintendo is playing coy for now. Gaming is expensive enough as is, and I haven't seen anything that's convincing me I need to be shelling out even more money, especially if the rumours of a 600$ price range are true. Initial reactions seem to make it clear that Nintendo is going to be facing an uphill battle for a while, and as it appears to me, the WiiU's strength isn't in explaining its features, or elaborate marketing. Their strength is going to be getting a controller into a players hands and letting them get the full interactive experience. At least, that's what my decision will be based on, I won't have a strong opinion until I've played it, which means I'll be apprehensive and need a little convincing along the way. The new graphics are exciting, but they are not up to par with Xbox or Playstation. And as fantastic as these third party, more serious gamer oriented games will be, there aren't many announced yet, or anything new, and that can make or break the WiiU.

Overall Thoughts:

Despite initial doubts (from myself, and others), the WiiU will probably be massively successful. I'm happy to see them appealing to the hardcore market. I have my reservations that I think can be taken care of with a demo and maybe some more game announcements. I'm not happy to have to shell out for a new console, but at least content to see that if they are doing it right.

End Transmission

Monday, May 21, 2012

Scumbag Luke?

internet memes - There's a Bit of Dust Inside It...
see more Memebase and check out our Troll Face lols!

Well done, sir.

End Transmission

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Keeping the streets of Arlington safe

Here's a great video of the Arlington Police department helping grant a little boys wish of becoming Batman for a day. Watch it, and try not to cry. Seriously, there mere though of this makes me cry. I'm crying while writing this. I should probably stop typing.

Also, check out the pictures here.

End Transmission

Monday, March 19, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Super Math

Superhero Mathematics was my major in college.

funny graphs - Superhero Mathematics
see more Funny Graphs

End Transmission

Saturday, March 10, 2012

We stopped dreaming

A film inspired by the incredible Sagan Series on youtube. This is Neil DeGrasse Tyson talking about how we, humanity as a species, have stopped dreaming of moving forward. We've stopped looking to the future. And if we stop pushing forward, can we even have a tomorrow?

End Transmission

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Invisible Children

Follow this link. Watch the film. It's half an hour, be prepared. It's moving and incredible. It's a simple enough idea, spread the name of a war criminal to have the public pressure those in power to stop him. So every link, every hit, every share this gets will get us one step closer to making a difference. So seriously people, do it.

End Transmission

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Definitely need one of these.

End Transmission

Monday, February 20, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Walking Dead viral campain


Just sayin', if I was in that theatre, things would have gone differently. And I'd be a felon.

End Transmission

Enjoy the Capri Sun

job fails - Monday Thru Friday: If someone passes out at the office, know that all you need is a Capri Sun straw
see more epicfails

I definitely lol'ed

Yo Dawg, I heard you like Minecraft

So Minecraft is just like playing Lego on your computer, and now Lego is making a special Minecraft edition? Mind = Blown. Looks pretty sweet.

Here's the whole story. It's available this summer.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

So many Lulz!

When you have one of those days where life is really getting you down, and you just feel like you cant go on, and life is a gigantic horrendous bitch... Just look at animal gifs, and suddenly life is worth living!

Case in point, this:

 - Cat's Ladder Skills Leave Something to be Desired
see more Gifs

Classic: Biggy and Small Fry GIF -Classic: Biggy and Small Fry
see more Gifs

Red Panda Collage GIF - Red Panda Collage
see more Gifs

I Love How Serious He Looks in the Beginning  GIF - How Serious He Looks in the Beginning
see more Gifs

Those strange, tingly feelings in your heart? Thats happiness. It feels weird at first, but just enjoy it, because you'll have to go to work tomorrow and hate the world all over again.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Way too acurate

That awkward moment when a meme applies to you... and you're proud of it. Definitely puts a harsh perspective on my life.

see more

Sunday, January 29, 2012

In defence of Episode 1

Disclaimer: This was a spontaneous, rant type post written at 2am after a few glasses of wine. But that doesn't make it any less valid, maybe just a little less concise, and eloquently expressed.

Be forewarned, this post is saying good things about the new Star Wars trilogy, so if you aren't a fan of Episodes 1, 2 & 3, and don't have an open mind to hear about it, just stop reading now. I'm not saying everyone has to love it, but I feel like people expect it to be something other than it is. So with that said, here we go...

Here's the thing about Episode 1- it's a kids movie. Over 20 years had passed since the original, and it was time for a new generation to have their own version for it. I can defend this because I was a child at the time. The first time I ever saw Star Wars was the 20th anniversary re-release in 1997. And I loved it, it was awesome, but I didn't become obsessed until I saw Episode 1 on it's release date. My brother pre-ordered tickets for us, and that was it. My life was changed. Episode 1 was what introduced me to the extended universe, for all the possibilities that Star Wars was presenting. I read the Expanded Universe books, collected the action figures and studied visual dictionaries. The original trilogy made me want to play around with a light sabre and simulate Darth Vader's voice, but seeing the Ep. 1 made me want to find out how light sabres are made and why Vader has that voice.

Sure, they didn't have the same sort of fun, clever originality of Ep. 4, 5 & 6, but we got the opportunity to see a world so beautiful, vast and extensive that we could barely have imagined. The acting might not have felt as genuine (except for Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan, that was just fantastic) and we didn't have the same connection with the characters, but we had the opportunity to literally discover a universe. We have the best light sabre fights, chase scenes and visuals that we ever could have asked for.

And I may be condemning myself for it, but I'll say it anyways. I don't really have a problem with Jar Jar Binks. There. I said it. But before you ridicule me, let me explain why. I was 10 years old when Episode 1 came out, and while Jar Jar may not have been my favorite character (in fact, I think even I, as an impressionable youth, didn't like him that much) I know many children who loved him. At the time, I was a lunch monitor or something of that nature for a kindergarten class. As my wild and crazy self, I decided that rather than call the kids by their names, I was going to name them each after the Star Wars Characters they most reminded me of. So what did everyone clamber to be? Not to be Vader, Han, Lando or Boba Fett. They all wanted to be Darth Maul, Jar Jar or Qui-Gon. The child I eventually nicknamed Jar Jar (who was thrilled with his new identity) would love to imitate the klutzy gungan. His favourite was to re-enact the scene where Jar Jar preforms and acrobatic jump into the lake on Naboo. So while he may have been an immature and annoying character to you or I, to the 5 year old that George Lucas wanted to appeal to, he was perfect.

So for me, seeing the battles on Mustafar, traffic on Coruscant, the sleekness of a Naboo cruiser or to have Yoda actually pick up a light sabre was just awe inspiring. And I know, perhaps the same thing could have been achieved while still staying more similar to the original trilogy. But the last thing we needed was a carbon copy of 4, 5 & 6. It's a different story, being told to a different generation, with different technology and different expectations. And I believe George Lucas intended it as such. It's a freaking kids movie. So to everyone hating on Lucas for all his changes, while I don't necessarily agree with all of them, I do have to say: Lay off. I know it hurts to see him change the trilogy you love, but face it. It's not your trilogy, and it wouldn't exist in the first place without him. So if you don't like the changes, you don't have to watch them, it's as simple as that.

Basically, it's a kids movie, that's what it was meant to be, and it worked. A new generation was introduced to it and they loved it. Even if all it managed was to segway that generation into watching the original trilogy, there's nothing wrong with that. If that upsets you, just go watch the original trilogy again. No one it forcing you to re-watch the new ones.

Maybe I'm just being naive, (and I guess this sentiment is in the same vein as being angry at Lucas) when someone insults something I love, I take it personally. And the love I have towards Star Wars is unconditional. UNCONDITIONAL. So as cheesy as it might be, as altered as it might get, I don't think I'll ever bite the hand that feeds me. Well, I might nibble... or stab with a fork. But lovingly. At the end of the day, I'm going to find some part of it to appreciate, and I would suggest you do the same.

Don't be a hater!

End Transmission

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Apocalypse Later, Surf Now

This is a beautifully done surf video... set to the backdrop of the apocalypse. It's really well done, well visualized concept.

A quote from the youtuber keef70 who created it (via the daily what):

"The machines in the distance are oil rigs, their cylindrical legs allow them to walk/float anywhere in the ocean and [they] have sucked the Earth dry like locusts. The airships aren’t an invading force, but a massive evacuation by other humans trying in vain to escape the meteor hellstorm raining down."

Great context. Anyways, check it out.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


job fails - Monday Thru Friday: There's not going to be an Apocalypse, now finish those TPS reports
see more epicfails

World's not gonna end people... Maybe the Mayans are just the worlds most epic trolls? Or they figured they had a few thousand years to keep working on that calendar.