Friday, December 3, 2010

Sexy Tron clothing


Hurley has launched a new line of Tron inspired clothing. Is that hot, or what?

Here's a mens shirt, one of many awesome ones. This glows in the dark! How much fun could you have fun with that?

And here's this absolutely gorgeous dress. Mark my words, you will see me in this dress. I need it. To live. ..... heh... heh... Look, it's pretty! Can you blame me?

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I can't sleep. Seriously, I have to be awake in like, 3 hours. I could use this time to do something productive, oooooor I could wander the internet with no particular goal in mind. Guess which one I chose to do?

Waste my time! What else? ;)

But during this time, I did actually find something awesome. Here's a clip from innerSPACE, on the Space Channel. They did an interview with me, and part of it is featured in their Fan Expo 2010 episode. A whole 2 sentances actually. So yes, I'm famous now! :p They caught me on day 1, in my Ms Marvel costume. I did make a pretty kick ass Slave Leia metal bikini costume, which I wore on days 2 and 3. I was interviewed for a few things in that. Someone told me they saw it on teletoon, but I have yet to see it!

Aaaanyways, here's the clip. All I say is "Wow, it's crazy!" And then something about being at home with my nerd friends. Watch it! You know you want to!

K, so I can't embed it, I'll link it! And voila
Thanks, love ya'll

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