Friday, December 3, 2010

Sexy Tron clothing


Hurley has launched a new line of Tron inspired clothing. Is that hot, or what?

Here's a mens shirt, one of many awesome ones. This glows in the dark! How much fun could you have fun with that?

And here's this absolutely gorgeous dress. Mark my words, you will see me in this dress. I need it. To live. ..... heh... heh... Look, it's pretty! Can you blame me?

End Transmission


I can't sleep. Seriously, I have to be awake in like, 3 hours. I could use this time to do something productive, oooooor I could wander the internet with no particular goal in mind. Guess which one I chose to do?

Waste my time! What else? ;)

But during this time, I did actually find something awesome. Here's a clip from innerSPACE, on the Space Channel. They did an interview with me, and part of it is featured in their Fan Expo 2010 episode. A whole 2 sentances actually. So yes, I'm famous now! :p They caught me on day 1, in my Ms Marvel costume. I did make a pretty kick ass Slave Leia metal bikini costume, which I wore on days 2 and 3. I was interviewed for a few things in that. Someone told me they saw it on teletoon, but I have yet to see it!

Aaaanyways, here's the clip. All I say is "Wow, it's crazy!" And then something about being at home with my nerd friends. Watch it! You know you want to!

K, so I can't embed it, I'll link it! And voila
Thanks, love ya'll

End Transmission

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rather than offer actual content

All I've got is a picture of me on halloween!

A lot of people seemed confused by this costume. I didn't think it was that complicated of an idea. A Vargas girl, an army pinup. I know the soviet pin on the hat is a little confusing, but that was the best I could find (also, it allowed me to come up with an awesome double agent back story). Anyways, the response was as positive as I hoped, so next year, I'll just stick to Marvel characters again. (Really tho, how hot would Spider Woman be?).

I was at the Charlotte room, btw. The Silver Snail (Toronto's major comic mecca) hosted a party there. It was a pretty awesome party all in all, pool, drinks and awesome music, surrounded by like minded nerds. It was great to see dedication and great costumes instead of the usual crap. Unfortunately, I did feel as if the venue stifled the party in some senses. Nothing wrong with it, the Charlotte room was great, and so were the people there. But it was hard to watch the costume contests, and difficult to get around (although that was likely due to how crowded it was, which I enjoyed). Some of the great costumes seen include: Swamp Thing, Chef Bender, The Muppets, Alex Delarge, Stormtroopers, Boba Fett, Han and Chewie, and many awesome badass others. If you haven't been before, I would seriously encourage you to check it out next year.

I've been pretty busy lately. But it's that kind of busy where it doesn't feel like you're accomplishing anything. Which is the most frustrating kind. But today has been pretty awesome. I've been rearranging my living room. I know, doesn't sound so complicated, does it? But when you've got shelves full of dvds, books, action figures, photos, memorobilia, busts, plushies and more... Well, it takes a lot of disassembling and reorganizing.

The good news about all of this is, I've been making it bearable by having an awesome movie marathon. Some of which includes Ghostbusters, Zombieland, Indiana Jones and Star Wars. Oh Star Wars. You can make anything delightful.

I'm hoping to be back soon with a review of Force Unleashed 2, and maybe next week with a little Black Ops. Only if I can pry myself away from the controller. Which is a lot harder than it sounds.

End Transmission.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

So sexy, I posted it twice.

I already tweeted it, but damn- this needed extra attention.

Zombie Stormtroopers.

Yeah, I just called zombies sexy. What of it?... K, I see your point.

End Transmission

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Can't... write... so... tired...

Well I had the intention of writing a lengthy post about my thoughts on video games are the new black. And by black I mean dominant form of entertainment media. Movies are getting older, crappier, and boring while games are getting more cinematic, with incredible writers and top voice actors. But you already know that, right? Who needs to hear my opinion on it? (Well, I think everyone, but hey.) However, since I seem to have come down with something remotely resemblin the black plague (slight exaggeration), instead, all I have to offer is this.

Check out a pic of me as Leia at Fan Expo! Yayyyyyyy!

Oh, and I saw Red, and enjoyed it. And am playing through a number of games which I will report back later on.

End Transmission

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Made me LOL

Seriously. Awesome.

awesome photos - Show Off!
see more Epic Win FTW

End Transmission

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Reviews on the Run

So I just checked out the Origins episode of Review on the Run (damn you, lack of cable). And wow, that was awesome.

Here it is.

If you have ever watched Reviews on the Run or Electric Playground, definitely check this out. It was filmed from the show floor of Fan Expo. I had the good fortune of watching it being filmed, but unfortunately, I couldn't hear a damn thing. So it was good to watch the actual episode.

Hearing where everyone's geekiness came from, and the video games that inspired them. Twas pretty sweet, so check it out.

End Transmission

They asked for it!

I caught a cold. Likely while working another 12 hour day thursday. It hit me yesterday, and full force today. Colds suck. Like, monkey balls. But the one good thing about them is the marathons. Not like Boston marathon, but movie/tv marathons. I like to focus on one particular thing each time I'm bed ridden by fever, sore throat and runny nose *shudder*. This time, it was the oh-so-magnificent Star Wars.

It made me think of a few things.I brought one up on twitter already. Anyone Imperial who got force choked by Vader had it coming. I mean, let's think about it. Take for example Admiral Motti. First off, he doesn't get killed, just like... a warning choke. But really, he should have been. So Motti is the guy who runs his mouth off, mocking Vaders "devotion to that ancient religion" etc. Really?!? He's an Admiral, he isn't new to the Imperial army, he knows who Vader is and what he's capable of. I'm sure he's seen a bitch get force choked before. What, like Vaders gonna be cool with you smack talking him? Think he won't mind you insulting him and his way of life infront of the Empire's top ranking men? You're just asking for it, Motti. Same goes for Ozzel, who thinks he knows better than Vader. Really?.... Really?!?! How do these idiots become Admirals? Clearly, the Empire isn't as badass and well organized as they seem, when someone like Admiral Ozzel can become the man in charge of Vader's flagship.

Secondly, so much on these movies relies on mere chance. It never occured to me before, but think about the ending of A New Hope. Han doesn't shoot Vader, he shoots in his general direction, then a TIE pilot flips out, and banks into Vader's TIE Advanced. That's when Luke gets his opportunity. So if this one pilot hadn't been such a panicky moron, the Rebels would have likely never succeeded, Vader might have killed Luke and the next two films certainly wouldn't have happened.

Or, what if, when on Endor, Chewie hadn't investigated the dead animal carcass that was a trap set by the Ewoks? I mean, let's assume Chewie did so because he was hungry. Or maybe he just has an insatiable curiousity like my dog, Kenobi. Seriously, this dog needs to sniff everything. He often then proceeds to licking or barking. Anyways, lets say Chewie chose to for those reasons. That's how they find the Ewoks, get reuinited with Leia, and form their alliance which allows them to blow up the shield generator and destroy the second Death Star. I know a lot of people might hate to admit it, but they couldn't have done it without the Ewoks. So lets say, instead Chewie packs himself a couple of protein bars and is full, doesn't give a damn about this hanging deer... thing. They wander around Endor for a while, don't find Leia, attempt unsuccessfully to blow up the Shield generator and the Rebel fleet gets oblirated. Seriously, a whole lot depends on Chewie's stomach.

Well, that's all I thought of for now, but I'm sure I'll have more questions for you later.

End Transmission

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A little Rant...

In the wake of the Expo, I've been contemplating a lot of things. Tons of great things that I love about the con, and just a few things that drive me freaking crazy. And here they are. (Bear in mind, these are my personal opinions, and inane ranting- I'm sure this holds little to no validity, so don't get too offended).

1- Cosplayers
Wait a tic! I have nothing against cosplayers, I love them! Obviously, given that I dress up every year. It's amazing to see fans with that level of dedication, and the level of intricacy involved. But there a few people among this group that violate what I consider to be 'unspoken cosplay rules'.

Half assed or store bought costumes... You're going to a convention, where the like of the 501st are mingling and being photographed. This is not a costume party, this isn't halloween. If you choose to dress up, dedicate yourself to it. Hey, you've got a whole year to prepare! There's no reason you costume should involve pyjama pants (unless your Arthur Dent) or a felt tip marker (unless... nope, never. Shouldn't happen). Half assing it undermines all the time and effort everyone else there went to.

Just one particular note I'd like to add, every year there seems to be one particular popular half assed costume. For me, this year, it seemed to be Poison Ivy. A green t-shirt does not a costume make.

Also, please try and remain relevant. This is the fan expo. Sci-fi, horror, anime, comics, gaming and a few other niche interests. Lady Gaga does not belong here... Seriously... And maybe it's just me, but neither do Disney Princesses. Don't get me wrong, I love disney, I always have. And I understand as well as anyone how hard it is to find a quality female cosplay. And I do comment the Disney characters for the quality of their work. But it's not really a geek interest. Do you buy disney merch at the con? Do you see panels featuring disney staff or actors? Do you get autographed photos of Disney stars? No. So I don't see where the desire to dress up as a Disney princess comes from. But like I said, nothing against them. Beautiful costumes of some of my favorite characters, but I personally feel like they don't belong.

2- Taking pictures
The second most common comment I received this year was "You're brave for wearing that." Meaning a cosplay of Princess Leia in her metal bikini. You know, slave Leia in Jabba's palace. I'm not really sure what people mean by telling my I'm brave. Is it because I'm showing so much skin? Because of the occasional swarm of eager photographers while trying to shop? Is it because of the chance or wardrobe malfunction?
Let me just say, I'm a pretty confident person. Not cocky or self-absorbed, just comfortable in my own skin, and with who I am. Wearing this outfit didn't make me feel awkward because, well, it covers more than my regular bikini does. So, you know, don't take advantage of that.
What I mean to say is, when I'm looking the other way, talking to someone, don't try and kneel down behind me and take a picture up my skirt. I've seen hundreds of pictures online (and I'm sure there are many many more that don't get to see the light of day) of some poor girls butt as she's bending over, or shopping or something. This girl was brave enough to show up in a spandex suit, treat her with respect. Ass shots are not respect. It's rude, it's innappropriate, it's uncalled for, and its fucking creepy. Just don't.
And while we're on the subject, just because I (or any other girl) am dressed up does not mean I want you to come up to me and grab me. I'm not your girlfriend, I'm not your best friend, and I'm not a prop. I'm a person who likes wearing a costume. I don't mind when people put their arm around me or anything, it makes for a better picture, but if you want to do anything else, ask first. I have a metal chain hanging from my collar, and a few people would just come up, grab it and then shout to their friend "Get a picture." I very much don't appreciate that.
It's simple, if you want someone's picture, come up to them and ask nicely, if you want to do anything out of the ordinary (such as a different pose) ask first. And whatever you do, don't take any innappropriate pictures.
One last thing, I'm not a model, and you're not paying me. Don't tell me to do this pose or that pose. I guess if you ask nicely, or offer to send me copies of the pictures, it's fine, but I don't take orders from you.

3- On the subject of pictures and cosplayers.
This is a two way street. If you've dressed up and someone wants your picture, or to talk to you about your costume, oblige them. It doesn't take any effort to be nice, and these things come with the territory when dressing up. If you don't want to talk to people or pose for pictures, don't come dressed up.

So some people take about 25 pictures of themselves, camwhoring. I get it, you want to get a good shot. But don't post all of them online. No one wants to see all those identical pictures of you. Pick one.

4- Be friendly, but don't smother
I love meeting other like minded geeks, and I love talking about all our geek loves. Hell, that's probably my favorite part of the convention. But sometimes it goes beyond friendly chat to awkward territory. Everyone knows when it's gone there, and it's not cool. Personal space. Embrace it.
But mostly, this pertains to celebrities. And Q&A's. It's great if you have a question for them, but no one wants to hear the five minute story about how you named your fish after them in the first grade. Keep it simple. (Just to be clear, when getting an autograph or a picture, I think it's great to chat with celebs and have a real conversation, but theres only 40-50 mins for a Q&A)

And last, but not least...
5- Complaining about Fan Expo's organization
That seems to be the theme of this year. Everywhere I look, it's people bitching about the con, and it's driving my crazy.
I'll start off by saying I am in no way defending hobbystar. I totally agree, it's poorly organized, oversold, understaffed and let's face it, they need way more space. But what bothers me is that the fans aren't taking responsibility for it themselves.
To all the people who didn't get in: It's partially your fault. I showed up at opening and got in no problem. They let 60 000 other people in. If you show up halfway through the afternoon and get stopped at the door, what where you thinking? That it wouldn't be busy? That you could just saunter into the third largest convention in North America? Because even if they had still been letting people in, the linup would have been long enough that you'd have to wait for hours. This isn't new. The convention has always been this way, there's always lineups, it's always crowded, it's always poorly organized. It clearly wan't going to change this year, being crammed into a new, smaller venue.
To the people who didn't get back in: Yes, it's unfortunate, but don't leave in the first place. The lineup didn't appear out of nowhere. Take your queue from the Vulcans and think logically. It was wrapping around the block on friday, and growing steadily on saturday. Even if you did manage to get back in, you would have been waiting in line for hours. Settle for the food they're selling inside. Crappy? Yes. No selection? Yes. Overpriced? Yes. If you have the thought, then bring your own food. That's your best bet from the start. That way you don't have to worry about leaving the con, overpricing, food allergies, etc. All anyone had to do was think logically, do your research and plan ahead of time. Simple.
To the people who are getting bitterly angry at me: Yes, I was one of the ones who got it. And hey, I did get to enjoy the whole convention, start to finish. Because I planned ahead of time. I've been going for years, and I love this convention. I waited in line in the morning, I didn't leave the hall, I sat in on panels during the busiest hours to avoid the crammed show floor. Honestly, it wasn't at all hard to enjoy the convention, and anyone who didn't is going about it the wrong way.
If you have so many issues with how the con was run, don't run your mouth off about boycotting the show. Email them, talk respectfully and constructively, to help make things better for next year.

K, I guess that should be all for now. I could argue for hours about this, but no one needs to hear that.

End Transmission

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fan Expo Canada! Day 1 & 2

Wow! The end of August snuck up on us just like that. And suddenly the Fan Expo is more than half over. I'm absolutely stoked, but it's been a whirlwind of a blast.

Day 1
We arrive only to find a lineup going more than around the block. Literally, the line wrapped the entire length of the convention center, all the way down to the south building, where it used to be held.
Overall, it was pretty disorganized. We asked several convention volunteers where we needed to go, and the would give us vague directions and usher us along with all the other confused people, wandering in the direction that seemed appropriate.
They introduced wristbands this year instead of the standard badge pass they've had before. This seemed like a good idea. Admittedly, it was a little difficult for me, wearing long gloves, but at least I know I won't loose my wristband :) I feel bad for anyone in the extravagant costumes, like Chewbacca. Where does he put his wristband? Hmmmm.
Upon entering the convention floor, we were immidiately overwhelmed. Obviously, I'm accustomed to the layout of the south building, and I like it that way. To me, it seemed more organized, and made more sense overall. Maybe I haven't given this layout a fair chance, the only times I was on the convention floor, it was rediculously busy. I couldn't walk through in my usual grid pattern, because most often, I couldn't get a way through to where I wanted to get. There are also a lot more larger, commercial booths than there have been in previous years. Yes, this is to be expected as the convention grows, but I feel like for their size, the commercial booths don't have much to offer. I guess, at heart, I'll always want the convention as what it used to be. Fan oriented. Great guests, but not too commercial. But anyways...
There looked to be a lot of great merch but I usually save my shopping for sunday. I did pick up a pair of guitar hero pyjama pants though.
Now, unfortunately my camera died literally as I was about to take my first picture. I have been unable to fix it. Yeah, I can believe my horrible timing. It was working just fine at home, but as soon as I turn it on at con... That's kind of the theme of my weekend though. Quite a few things went wrong. I'll get to that later.
My fellow fans have been great this year! I've got to say, that's the main draw for me. There's so many interesting people to see, meet and talk to. It's great to see so many people with the same geeky interests under one roof. For the most part, it's a very fun, friendly environment and I love it.
I dressed up as Ms Marvel, and got a few compliments, which was great to hear :) I got told I was the best Ms Marvel by the guys running the Stylin Online tshirt booth. They were great! And that means a lof because they probably see a lot of costumes. I love dressing up as comic characters, it brings out the comic niche.
The only things we sat in on were Peter Mayhew's q&a, and a showing of the 501st legion's 'Heart of an Empire.' Peter Mayhew was great (he played the mighty Chewbacca, if you weren't aware). He made a few good jokes, and ran with the punches. He was very open to requests such as replicating the Chewie call. Which, if I were him, I might get a little bitter about hearing. Heart of an Empire was interesting, but tedious at times. I loved hearing about the origins of the 501st, and seeing things such as how they create their costumes, or how they put them on. But overall, I felt like the movie was jumbled, and dragged on unecessarily.
I also had the good fortune of meeting some of the guys from Reviews on the Run (decidedly one of my favorite shows, featuring some great journalists and video game personalities). I introduced myself to Victor Lucas first, after waiting patiently as he was bombared by fanboys. A testament to how awesome this guy is, immidately as I went to speak to him, he gave me a hug. I think I was shaking. I was definitely stuttering and stamering. Now let me be clear- I don't usually get flustered or speechless around celebrities, but when it's someone whom you admire greatly and have for years. And unfortunately I didn't get much time to talk with him, there were definitely people swarming around hoping to snag an autograph. The one thing I did get to say was how happy I am that Reviews on the Run has been made daily. Mr. Lucas was great and spoke briefly about how proud he was, and when he realized what a great thing his show has become. I can't word it as eloquently as he did, but it was great to hear.
After that, I spoke with Scott Jones. I'm not sure what exactly to say. It was awesome. I asked him a question and rather than answer me quickly and brush me off, he really took the time not just to answer, but to have a conversation. That's what I really appreciate- when someone is nice to their fan, and can just give them the time of day. I understand that it may be tiring or repetitive to get asked the same questions, or be bothered by the same kind of people, but it really is the fans that keep these things going. So I asked him about convetions, and we spoke about the convention experience, and costuming. We also spoke about indie gaming, and how great it is that ROTR focuses so much on the little guys. I could have stood around and picked his brain all day, but it wouldn't be fair to steal him from the other hungry fans waiting.
I got to meet Ben Silverman next... I feel horrible. I called him Jeff. What was I thinking? I watch this show daily, I see these guys all the time, how could I mix up his name? Luckily, he's a great guy and was really gracious about it, thankfully. I still feel bad though. After that, I spoke with Jose 'FUBAR' Sanchez, who did not dissapoint. He was probably even funnier in person, but I was totally blanking by then and could barely think of something to say. I'd like to try and catch Miri and Jeff tomorrow, since I missed them friday. I did get pics of everyone on my phone, so I'll post those later.
That was pretty much it for friday. Packed, overwhelming, awesome and exciting. That about wraps it up. I'll be posting more tomorrow and for the rest of the week about the convention, but this post has gone on wayyyyy to long already. Standby for more.

End Transmission

Monday, July 12, 2010

Life without internet...

So I moved into a new apartment, and have been bitterly living without the internet for.... ohhhh, too long. Thank god for my phone or I'd be completely disconnected from everything that matters in this world :p

Right now, the main thing on my mind is the FanExpo. Got your tickets? No? Get them! Theres a solid guest list this year, among those I'm looking forward to: Michael Dorn, Peter Mayhew, Felicia Day, Leslie Neilsen, and omg Summer Glau! I do think they tried to get too many 'big name' guests this year, such as Shatner (again) and Adam West (again). I understand why it's necessary to bring in guests with more wide spead, legendary appeal, and I certainly don't have any complaints in that regards. They're always great to have.

But I enjoy seeing fan favorites. In years past, they've had more of a focus on this it seems, and now the appeal is to a wider audience of new recruits intead of appealing to the loyal fans whom have been attending for years.

I'll be dressing up again! No surprises there, hehe. This year I decided to recreate the costumes I haven't perfected in the past. I'm doing Slave Princess Leia 2.0 (Newer! Bigger! Better! Wait, not bigger...) and with more time and expertise, this is sure to turn out well (I hope!). I'm also redoing my Ms. Marvel, because quite frankly, the first one I did was terrible. It was my first cosplay attempt though! So not bad in that regards, but I promise you, this years will be good. And (time permitting) since you can never have enough Star Wars, I'll be adding some extra details to my Padme Battle Arena. I was pretty happy with this one in the past, but I could have done better with the boots, belt and shirt details.

Well that's all I have to report on for now. I'm very disappointed about my absence but hopefully that should be the end of that. If nothing else, I'll keep on tweeting ;)

End Transmission

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Brothers to the End

Wow- this is gorgeous.

April 2011. I can't believe we have to wait that long.

End Transmission

Monday, April 12, 2010

If you do the cooking by the book

Then you'll have a cake!

And clearly this guy did...
a nuclear sandwich cake. Maybe he's trying to become a superhero? Or start the apocalypse. Both admirable endeavors.

End Transmission

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's funnier when you're drunk

...But never the less, amusing. Hehe.

If it's stuck in your head for the next 3 days, I'm sorry (kinda)

End Transmission

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

They've done it again

Another puntastic comic from Cyanide and happiness!

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

.... I know you giggled.

End Transmission

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sooo much win!

One of the many awesome images you'll fine at EpicWinFTW. Check it out.

End Transmission

Monday, March 29, 2010

Montana instead!

Ok, maybe I take it back. As great as boston would be, I can survive anywhere (with a little help from Max Brooks).

So intead, I think I'm going to move to Montana cause cops there freaking rock!

End Transmission

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Boston is now the safest city in the world

As part of my zombie plan, I'm now planning on moving to Boston.

Tweets from the Boston Polie Force.

Also, the Boston Police Force is on twitter? Wow

End Transmission

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

There's a soup kitchen in my pants

So I know these aren't that new or anything, but I had to throw this out there, Day Job Orchestra with Happy in Paraguay.

Now, It's funnier after you watch it a few times, I highly encourage you do so. At first it's kind of like its raping the humor center of your brain, but once you start to enjoy it, oh baby.

Right, well without further ado...


End Transmission

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I don't know how they find these things...

Another great (albeit scary)article from cracked-

The 5 Creepiest Unsolved Crimes Nobody Can Explain

There's some weird shit that goes on out there, and cracked keeps us up to date on it all!

End Transmission